
April 24, 2023

Difference Between Trading Bitcoin CFDs VS Investing

The main difference between trading Bitcoin CFDs and traditional investing lies in the fact that Bitcoin CFD trading allows investors to take advantage of both rising and falling prices without having to actually own the asset. Bitcoin has a finite supply, but it has one distinct difference when compared to other investments – digital currency […]


April 18, 2023

Check Out The Best Forex Trading Platforms in 2023

There are several popular forex trading platforms available for online trading. It’s challenging to say which online trading platform is the best, but we can say that the Forex trading software industry is heavily dominated by MetaQuotes Corp – the company behind MetaTrader 4 (MT4). This is the most popular Forex software used by traders in the […]


April 14, 2023

What is Algorand? Is Investing In Algorand Profitable?

Investing in Algorand is becoming popular – and for good reasons. Algorand is a public blockchain and cryptocurrency designed to provide a secure, reliable, and scalable platform for decentralized applications. Algorand cryptocurrency is relatively new to the market.   Algorand uses groundbreaking technologies such as cryptographic sortition, which is an advanced version of the proof-of-stake […]


April 5, 2023

Career in Crypto Industry: What Do You Need to Know

If you want to get a job in the crypto industry, you’ll need to understand the technology behind it and how it works. You should also have a good understanding of finance and economics, as this will help you navigate the complex world of cryptocurrency trading. Additionally, you must be comfortable with taking risks and […]


April 4, 2023

How Can You Invest in Eco-Friendly Cryptocurrencies

The concept of investing in eco-friendly cryptocurrencies is gaining traction as a way to help protect the environment while also increasing your financial portfolio. To get started, it’s important to understand the differences between traditional cryptocurrencies and those that focus on sustainability. Traditional currencies rely on energy-consuming “mining” systems to operate, whereas sustainable coins are […]


Ethereum Bot Was Attacked With The Loss of Almost $20M

One of the major Ethereum MEV bots have been targeted in an attack, apparently by one of the blockchain’s validators, resulting in the loss of almost $20 million. The Ethereum MEV bot, which is designed to monitor blockchain transactions and identify arbitrage opportunities, was attacked by a malicious actor who exploited the bot’s vulnerability. MEV is a […]