May 28, 2024

The Sandbox DAO & Community Governance

The Sandbox, a decentralised gaming platform, has made a massive step towards community empowerment by launching The Sandbox DAO. This decentralised autonomous organisation (DAO) seeks to give the game’s users, who own its native currency, SAND, and LAND non-fungible tokens (NFTs), the capacity to influence platform development and management. By allowing users to vote on […]


January 6, 2023

Why The NFTs Will Upgrade Everything That They Can?

NFTs have morphed from crypto-obscurity to mainstream talking point over the past two years, and it could be just the beginning. When most people think of NFTs, they think of overpriced art, digital collectibles and very expensive pictures of cartoon monkeys. But NFTs can enable all sorts of practical applications, from securing loans to AI-powered […]