
April 13, 2023

The Latest Update: About The Ethereum’s Big Upgrade

Ethereum is awaiting its biggest upgrade since the Merge, which is called The Shanghai upgrade, also known as Shapella. It will enable users to unlock their staked ETH. This has been locked up since the “deposit contract” went live in 2020. Many predict this event could force major selling pressure on ETH. The Shanghai upgrade […]


April 4, 2023

Ethereum Bot Was Attacked With The Loss of Almost $20M

One of the major Ethereum MEV bots have been targeted in an attack, apparently by one of the blockchain’s validators, resulting in the loss of almost $20 million. The Ethereum MEV bot, which is designed to monitor blockchain transactions and identify arbitrage opportunities, was attacked by a malicious actor who exploited the bot’s vulnerability. MEV is a […]


March 28, 2023

Using digital assets during crisis and chaos in the modern world

With digital assets in a state of emergency, you don’t need to worry about carrying cash, which might be stolen or damaged during disasters. Digital assets are becoming more and more popular in the modern financial world. The combination of the traditional assets and the digital ones can be beneficial for you in a multitude […]


January 26, 2023

Is the Token Wrapped Ethereum (WETH) in a Trouble?

Wrapped Ethereum, also known as WETH, is a token that allows users to trade Ethereum (ETH) on decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms that only accept ERC-20 tokens. It is a crucial component of the DeFi ecosystem, as it allows for interoperability between different protocols and allows for liquidity to flow between different platforms. However, there have […]


January 23, 2023

Ethereum deploys ‘shadow fork’ of Shanghai upgrade

Ethereum has announced the launch of its Ethereum Shanghai upgrade, which is a ‘shadow fork’ of Ethereum. Ethereum shadow forks are designed to offer a safe and secure environment for blockchain developers. To experiment with new features before they officially deploy them on the Ethereum mainnet. Here are a few key points: Ethereum Shanghai is […]


January 19, 2023

Ethereum’s Contracts Can Be Used for Cancer Research

Blockchains were discovered to be useful for sharing the parameters of AI models used to diagnose cancer by a medical research team. Using Ethereum’s smart contracts, three independent teams of researchers were able to update their AI models at the same time without the need for a centralized authority. AI algorithms are being used to […]